leading the future of NAGAP
Executive Officer Elections
Newly elected 2024-2026 NAGAP Governing Board Executive Officers!
All voting members of NAGAP are eligible for nomination as President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, or appointment as a Director.
Both self-nominations as well as nominations from colleagues are welcome.

Desired Skills and Experience
- Have a working knowledge of NAGAP’s history, mission, and goals
- Working knowledge of bylaws and policies
- Knowledge of graduate enrollment management
- Commitment to maintaining a strong organization that is responsive to our membership
- Ability to handle NAGAP business with tact, enthusiasm, and commitment
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Ability to motivate workgroup members
- Ability to take responsibility and follow through on assignments
- Ability to work well with people
- Institutional support for your active participation as a NAGAP Officer and funding for attendance at the Annual Conference (GEM Summit)
Terms of Service and Time Commitment
Officers of the Board of Directors are elected to two-year terms according to the NAGAP Bylaws. Officers are required to attend four (4) in-person board meetings each year. Board meeting attendance and additional phone meetings often involve both weekday and weekend time commitments. Additionally, Officers should anticipate committing approximately 10-15 hours per month on activities including, but not limited to, conference calls, workgroup activities, or special project work. The time commitment may vary depending upon the activities of the individual officer. The President and Vice-President can expect a more substantial time commitment and additional travel as part of their officer role.
Roles and Expectations
Vice President
Elected to serve a two-year term as the chief elected officer of the Association serving to, in general, supervise and control the affairs of the Association
Expected Service Contribution (as outlined in the Bylaws)
- To preside over and prepare the agendas for all Governing Board and Business Meetings
- To provide leadership, vision, and direction for NAGAP
- To have final signature authority on behalf of NAGAP
- To serve as an ex-officio member of all committees
- To appoint individuals to fill any vacated positions on the Governing Board
- To assume other responsibilities as directed by the Governing Board
Additional Considerations
- The President is a facilitator; the ability to communicate, listen and seek input from others is very important. The President should feel comfortable delegating. Strong group dynamic skills are essential to keep meetings running smoothly and to deal with any conflicts that may arise. As the board ambassador, the President acts as a spokesperson to the larger community and may need to speak in public on behalf of the organization.
- Ability to commit to two years of service as President and two years as Immediate Past-President on the Governing Board
- Keen understanding of NAGAP and the graduate enrollment management field
- Demonstrated leadership skills in Board and/or Committee service, and within the Association as a whole
- Strategic focus
- Ability to participate significantly in all Association activities as required
- Prior service on the board (highly encouraged)
Elected to serve a two-year term as Vice President
Expected Service Contribution (as outlined in the Bylaws)
- To attend all Business and Governing Board meetings.
- To preside over any meetings in the absence of the President.
- To assist the President as requested.
- To assume the position of President in the event that the President shall leave office prior to the completion of the current term.
Additional Considerations
- The Vice President works hand-in-hand with the President to ensure seamless leadership should they need to fill in at any time. The Vice President is often given oversight of the strategic plan and special assignments as they come up.
- Keen understanding of NAGAP and the graduate enrollment management field
- Demonstrated leadership skills in Board and/or Committee service, and within the Association as a whole
- Strategic focus
- Ability to participate significantly in all Association activities as required
- Prior service on the board (highly encouraged)
Elected to serve a two-year term as Secretary. Keeps, preserves, and disseminates accurate records on behalf of the Association.
Expected Service Contribution (as outlined in the Bylaws)
- To attend all Business and Governing Board meetings.
- To be responsible for the minutes of the Governing Board and Business meetings.
- To oversee the retention of all NAGAP records.
- To ensure that notices of meetings are sent to the membership.
- To assume other responsibilities as directed by the President.
Additional Considerations
- The Secretary is the liaison between the Governing Board and the Membership. Besides taking minutes of the meetings, keeping members effectively informed on activities of the Association between board meetings is an important part of the role.
- Proficiency in word processing, electronic communication, and other means of communication required to perform role of Secretary
- Knowledge of parliamentary procedure is helpful.
Elected to serve a two-year term as Treasurer. Serves as custodian of the funds of the Association.
Expected Service Contributions (as outlined in the Bylaws)
- To attend all Business and Governing Board meetings.
- To oversee the funds and financial matters of NAGAP.
- To present an annual financial report to the membership.
- To have signatory authority for tax and financial purposes.
- To assume other responsibilities as directed by the President.
Additional things to consider:
- The Treasurer works very closely with the staff accountant.While the Treasurer is not responsible for producing the financial statements, they should feel comfortable presenting the financial position of the organization to the Board and members.
- Experience in finance and budgeting from work experience or a previous position on a not-for-profit board is helpful.