NAGAP is always looking for members to help build the strength of our offerings. If you have additional resources you would like to add to this database, please do not hesitate to let us know. Citations can be sent via email to the Research Chair, Joseph Paris at
GEM Database
The Graduate Enrollment Management Research Database
This resource has been developed by NAGAP’s Education Committee’s Resource sub-committee. This database includes the following sources related to GEM:
- Theses and dissertations published in Proquest’s Theses and Dissertations database with the keywords of “graduate enrollment management” or “graduate admissions”
- Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Articles in Trade Journals
- Books and Book Chapters
- Book Reviews
- Articles cited by NAGAP conference and institute presenters
- Government and other organizations’ published data cited by NAGAP conference and institute presenters
As you use this database and see what others in the field are researching and doing in their own practices, you may be inspired to piece together an article for Perspectives or a research study of your own. We encourage you to do so. This is a great resource for those who want to really bolster the research foundations in their NAGAP conference proposals.

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When to Use the Database
All Members
- Develop conference presentation proposals with a solid research backing
- To develop articles for NAGAP’s Journal, Perspectives
- To see where others have published their work
- To get an idea of how studies have been conducted in the field.
- To research a topic related to your own work in the field
- Add research to a presentation or report you are working on
- Look at how other colleges and universities are completing their work
- Build your background knowledge of the field
- Networking – look for others who are working on the same issues you struggle with in your position
- To help build your support staff’s knowledge of the field.
Students of Higher Ed
- To build a literature review on a certain topic within GEM
- Develop a course project related to issues in the field or gaps in the literature
- Add to your textbook or other course readings
How to Use This Database
This database can be used in a number of ways. If you are looking for articles on a particular topic, use the columns at the top to distinguish between overall topics of the articles. Note that many articles are categorized in more than one topic.
A good way to look for additional resources not included in this database is to find a citation and look at the references in that article, book, or theses/dissertation.
Column Sort
Cited In: You may only be interested in seeing citations which have been used in Perspectives or NAGAP conferences and institutes. Use the “Cited In” column to distinguish between the citations.
Article Type: You may need a peer-reviewed source for a report or course paper. Search through these by looking at the “Article Type” column of the database.
How to Find Items Listed in This Database
So you have found a few items that you would like to read on your topic. What’s next? You have to find the actual item. There are a few ways you can do so.
Institutional Access to Resources:
If you are using this database, it is likely that you already have access to your institution’s online databases that house these items. If you are unsure how to use your library’s databases, ask a librarian. Often, an IT department will also be able to help you access the databases.
If you are working from a computer that is networked into your institution’s system, you should be able to use Google Scholar to help you find the articles. Simply google, “Google Scholar” to find this great resource.
Your library likely uses Illiad or another inter-library loan service that allows institutions to share resources electronically. The Illiad system will deliver items electronically to you. For instance, if you are looking for a book chapter, you can enter in the necessary information and request an electronic copy of the chapter.
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